Friday , September 20 2024

Goosebumps: Perhaps this is the reason why you get goosebumps on every little thing.


New Delhi : Goosebumps: Hair growth is a normal process of our body. When we feel fear, happiness or excitement, a hormone called Saryana is released in the body. This chemical relaxes certain body systems such as muscles. Our body often tries to tighten the relaxed muscles during times of excitement and nervousness, which leads to frowning. While this type of reaction is common, some people also find that their furs stand on end when they experience a sudden sensitivity. Come here we tell you what is the reason for hair loss?

cause of hair growth
1. Hair growth is a normal and natural response of the body, associated with normal feelings such as excitement, arousal or sensitivity. Apart from this, standing in the sun, cold or changing weather also causes hair to stand up. In these conditions, our body raises its fur to maintain its temperature.

2. You should seek the help of a doctor if the problem of hair growth is more.

3. Some people try to relax the body by massaging the body parts to prevent ingrown hairs. Apart from this, techniques like meditation, static exercises and meditation are used. Using this technique, a calmness is created in the body, which prevents the hair from standing up. This means that collapsing is a normal response of the body, common with excitement, fear, sensitivity, or changing seasons. If any other symptoms of hair loss are observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor.