Friday , September 20 2024

The Youth Congress protested by submitting an application form at the RTO office


Rishikesh: The Youth Congress demonstrated at the office of the Uttarakhand Transport Corporation and handed over a 5-point demand letter to the transport authority regarding local problems related to transport.

A memorandum led by Youth Congress president Gaurav Rana on Tuesday said that the Char Dham Yatra has started, requiring green card permit fitness for the vehicle owners going on the yatra, but the local department is not responsible. Vehicle owners are being neglected, while these facilities are being made available to outside vehicles. Because of this, there is a lot of resentment towards the department among the local citizens.

The Youth Congress should facilitate green cards and permits to local citizens immediately. A solution has been sought through the memorandum to increase the parking time at the airport from 2.30 minutes to 10 minutes, to make green cards for private vehicles as well, to run the check post of Satyanarayan temple smoothly, to stop vehicles running illegally from outside, etc. of problems. The Youth Congress has warned of agitation against the department for not heeding the demands.

Students Union President Sakshi Tiwari, Sachin Rawat, Ravindra Singh Bisht, Sanju Chauhan, Himanshu Jatav, Ravish Chauhan, Sandeep Verma, Mohit Mukherjee, Ganesh, Vikas Rawat, Ajay Kharola, Anmol, Gaurav Joshi, Mandeep Rawat and other activists attended the event. was Memorandum was also present.