Sunday , September 29 2024

High Cholesterol Risk Factors: If cholesterol accumulates in the body, then these fatal diseases happen!


High Cholesterol Risk Factors: Cholesterol plays an important role in the formation of healthy cells in the body through the blood. However, health experts say that a sudden increase in the level of cholesterol in the body can lead to various health problems. That is why high cholesterol is also called the ‘silent killer’. Cholesterol levels above 200 mg/dL can be fatal. That’s why people suffering from such problems should follow many precautions. Because it accumulates in the body and does not show any symptoms. Health experts say that this can directly lead to stroke or heart disease.

How does cholesterol harm the body?
Nowadays, most people get regular blood tests done while consulting their doctors if they have elevated cholesterol levels in their body. However, these tests show fluctuations in the percentage of cholesterol levels accumulated in the body. That’s why experts say that it is better to get a complete cholesterol test done. Experts say that people struggling with such problems must do 150 minutes of exercise in a week. It is also good to make lifestyle changes.

Cholesterol accumulation in the arteries.
Atherosclerosis is known to everyone.. Similar problem occurs when plaque is formed in the arteries of the heart. Due to this, there is a hindrance in reaching blood and oxygen to the tissues of the heart. This can lead to serious heart problems and coronary artery disease.

Heart attack may happen
The arteries get severely damaged due to wildly increasing cholesterol levels in the body. There are also changes in blood flow. Apart from this, health experts say that the heart also becomes weak.


Paralysis can occur:
Decreased blood supply to the heart due to atherosclerosis. Extremely reduces the efficiency of the heart. This causes problems like blood clots in the heart. In addition, some people experience difficulty in breathing. Health experts say that the lack of oxygen in the body also increases the chances of death. Medical experts say that in some others there is a possibility of heart attack and death on the spot.