Friday , September 20 2024

Don’t make these mistakes while looking for a job!


Parents spend lakhs of rupees on the future of their children from birth to adulthood. Lakhs of rupees are spent especially on the education of children. But when all the studies are over and you get a job, what else do you get, there are thousands of obstacles and worries. No matter how hard you try, sometimes you just don’t get the job. If you get some other work and leave it, then the problem will not reach your mouth.

Even today’s youth find it difficult to get a proper job after graduation. Even if you get a job, you will not get satisfaction from it. It has nothing to do with what is being read and what is being done. So why is today’s youth struggling without work? Let us know what is the reason for not getting a job even after studies.

1. Competitive Job Market
In today’s competitive era, there are lakhs of educated people. Here lakhs of people apply simultaneously for some posts. That’s why there is more competition. Only a few people get a job in this competition. Others, even though they have the skills, are left behind when they get a job. An organization can give employment to as many people as there are posts. the rest should sit empty

2. Lack of Experience
Another reason for not getting a job is lack of experience. Now a days they ask they need experienced people more than freshers. These days only experienced people are in demand. On the other hand, even if you have experience, you will see similar skills with Idra. Typically, employers measure, calculate, and then place the job.

3. Improper Networking
Getting a job without networking is a difficult task. Networking helps people find jobs related to their field. First you know the job opportunities and in which sector the highest salary is available. Develop related skills. It is very difficult to get a job without proper networking.


reasons why you are not getting hired and what are the solutions in kannada

4. Make sure your applications are excellent,
Sometimes it happens that we are rejected without any interview. The reason for this is the resume submitted by us. Our resume should always be good. Our skills, qualifications, achievements should be properly mentioned on the cover page of the resume. If the resume is not good then the first impression that is made about you will not be good.

5. Interview
There is one thing that many people are good at. His college result will be good. But I don’t have the courage to stand up and speak in front of others. In such a situation, there is a possibility that he will be rejected during the interview. So answer the questions asked by the interviewer with as much confidence as you know. Surely your chances of getting selected will be high.