Friday , September 20 2024

Health Care: There is no problem in wearing shoes without socks, but it can cause many diseases


Shoes without socks: Nowadays most people wear shoes without socks. This habit is seen more in the youth. Wearing shoes without socks not only stinks the feet but also harms the health. Due to this, the shoes also wear out quickly. Let us know what are the disadvantages of wearing shoes without socks. Why is it forbidden to do so?

Blood Circulation Problem – Wearing shoes without socks not only harm your feet, but it can also affect the blood circulation process in the body. Actually, wearing shoes without socks puts more pressure on the parts of the feet, which can affect blood circulation. No one can say what will be the result.

Allergy problem- People who wear shoes without socks can also have the problem of allergy in the feet. In fact, some people have very sensitive skin and may even develop allergic reactions from direct contact with synthetic materials made from leather. Sweaty feet can also be a cause of discomfort for many people.

Risk of fungal infection- According to some health reports, an average man sweats around 300 ml from his feet daily. If the shoes are worn without socks, this perspiration will obviously increase the humidity, which can also lead to various bacterial or fungal infections.


There can be blisters in the feet- Often you must have heard that shoes cause blisters in the feet or in many places it is also said that shoes cause cuts. Wearing shoes without socks greatly increases the chances of this problem.

pay special attention to these things

Wear good quality shoes.
Shoes should be neither tight nor loose.
Buy good quality socks too.
Change socks daily.