Friday , September 20 2024

Walking this many steps in a week reduces the risk of death. Know this claim made in the study


Benefits of walking: In today’s time, the routine of people has become such that most of the time of the day is spent sitting. After this the night becomes longer. In such a situation, it is very important to take time out for a walk. Walking is considered very beneficial for health. A recent study claims that walking can reduce your risk of death. Let’s know what this study says.

Walking 2 days a week is beneficial

It has been claimed in this study that if you walk 8,000 steps at least twice a week, then it reduces the risk of death. What’s more, the study says that walking 10,000 steps three or seven times a week has similar benefits. This was a joint study by researchers from Kyoto University and the University of California. A study published in an international medical journal states that walking more often than once has the same health benefits.

The study was done on data from 3,101 people

If you have the time and energy, even walking just two days a week can benefit you, the study concludes. A study by Kosuke Inoue, an associate professor at Kyoto University, and other researchers used data from 3,101 US adults.

pedestrians were less likely to die

In which they found that people who walked at least 8,000 steps 1 or 2 times a week were 14.9% less likely to die after 10 years than those who did not walk even once a week. Till now it was believed that for good health one should walk 10,000 steps daily. However, this was a surprising result in this study.