Friday , September 20 2024

Do you also keep water in cold drink bottle? If yes then stop today otherwise…


We Indians are known for juggling more than we do. We find various tricks to do any work quickly and easily. Like removing paste from expired toothpaste or using a pan to stain pajamas. We have some trick to solve every problem. We try to do everything through this game.

water in cold drink bottle

As soon as summer comes, we fill the fridge with water and cold drinks. Guests come to the house or the people of the house drink more and more water. Along with fancy bottles in the fridge, water is also kept in cold drink bottles. We Indians do this because we think that the cold drink bottle is still brand new. Mixing water in it can be used for a few days. But for your information, let us tell you that this trick of yours can prove to be very dangerous for your health. So avoid doing this at all.


it causes serious harm to health

Be it a cold drink or a mineral water bottle, if you keep it filled with water for many days, it directly harms your health. Actually, if you keep water in these bottles for a long time, dangerous substances like fluoride and arsenic start forming in it. This causes a lot of damage to the body. Scientists believe that it is a slow poison for the body.

residual risk of cancer

According to reports, water stored in plastic bottles directly attacks your immunity. That’s why it is said that water should not be drunk in expensive plastic bottles. Because the chemical made in the plastic bottle has a profound effect on the body. Chemicals such as phthalates present in plastic severely affect the liver and can cause liver disease. BPA is produced by keeping water in a plastic bottle for a long time. BPA is one such chemical that can cause obesity, diabetes and many other diseases in the body. It is called biphenyl A. When sunlight falls on water kept in a plastic bottle, it slowly turns into poison and can also cause cancer.