Friday , September 20 2024

What is the right age to give phones to children? Know that pampered children do not spoil


Right age for phone: Nowadays children are getting connected with mobile phones at an early age. The reason for this is the pampering of the parents. In fact, when children are small, parents hand over phones to them for entertainment, which is not right at all. According to a report by Common Sense Media, 42 per cent of 10-year-olds today have phones. By the age of 12, it reaches 71 percent and by the age of 14, 91 percent of children have a phone in their hand. If you are taking care of your child then you must know what is the right age to give him a smartphone.

When is a smartphone necessary for children?

Many parents hand over mobile phones to children for their safety. They believe that when a child is in trouble, it can contact its parents. Working parents often do this. Because their child stays home alone after school. Even if some are killed, they hand over the phone to confuse the child. Which is not correct at all.

Why shouldn’t children be given phones?

Nowadays kids can access anything on phone because of internet. Which can be dangerous according to their age. Murder, violence, porn and countless such videos can have a negative impact on children’s mind. Children’s mind is naive, so in the beginning if they get to see something new, they do more of that work. Therefore, to avoid such dangers, children should be kept away from smartphones. Mobile can also cause sleep problems. Children can also fall prey to cybercrime, bluing and blackmailing.

When should children be given smartphones?

According to some reports, if the child can understand what you have said about the disadvantages and advantages of the smartphone, then it should be understood that he is ready to keep the smartphone, but if he avoids your words and does not listen to him. If he does, then it should be understood that he is not yet fully ready for this. Nowadays children of 12 to 15 years have mobile in their hand. If you are also giving a phone to your child at this age, then lock all those apps and web searches which he does not need.

Give mobile phones to children, then adopt security

If you give the phone to children, use the controls on the phone too, so you can see what the children are doing.

In the beginning, give the children a basic phone so that they can only make calls.

You can also set screen time for your child.

Also let the kids know that you are paying attention to what they are doing on the phone.

Try to know the password of the children’s phone and tell them, it is for their own good.

Take the child away from the phone an hour before sleeping and explain its benefits.

When the child reaches puberty, talk to him openly and try to find a solution to his problem.