Friday , September 20 2024

Do not eat this ‘food’ in summer, otherwise…


Unhealthy Food for Health in Summer: Day by day the temperature is increasing rapidly. If this mercury continues like this, then serious situations and problems will have to be faced. As you know, every year we face similar situations. But this year the situation is slightly different. Due to the heat, the highest temperature has been recorded in the state. It is important to take care of yourself while going out. Negligence in care can adversely affect lifestyle.

Along with this, patients of elderly, diabetes, kidney, paralysis, heart disease should take special care on this day. Dehydration in the body due to rise in temperature can pose a health risk. In the beginning, its symptoms are very simple, if they are not recognized in time, then they can take a serious form. Along with dehydration, increasing heatstroke can cause problems like abdominal gas, vomiting and diarrhea. Know what should not be eaten in summer to avoid this…

Spicy food

Spicy food looks very tasty to eat, but the same spicy food can be harmful to health. Excess oily and spicy food can lead to acidity and stomach related problems along with increasing bad cholesterol in the body, apart from this, depositing it in the fat tissue helps in increasing belly fat.

dried fruit

Avoid eating dry fruits in summer. Excessive intake of dry fruits produces heat in the body. Actually, dry fruits have less water and more sugar. These high sugars work to increase body heat.


Whether it is winter or summer, excessive intake of salt can be harmful for the body. Excess intake of salt, also known as sodium chloride, causes inflammation in the body, high blood pressure and many other diseases including heart disease. Apart from this, due to excessive consumption of salt in summer, there is a lack of water in the body.


People who love meat should avoid consuming it daily during summers. Foods like red meat, mutton etc generate more heat in the body and increase the toxins in the body. This can cause many stomach and skin related problems.

garam masala

Hot spices added to vegetables in winter work to increase your immunity. But consuming them in excess during summer can cause many problems related to your stomach. Its excessive consumption can cause burning sensation in the hands and feet along with increase in heat in the body.

Fast food

Pizza, burger is fast food. It is high in fat, sodium and calories. This increases the risk of heart disease and obesity manifold. Apart from this, there are many health problems as well.