Friday , September 20 2024

A family of 75 living under one roof in this village of Khargone has turned the house into a colony.


Khargaon: Very few families live together in India today. Nowadays quarrels happen in the house over small matters and in no time the family starts breaking up and living apart. However, even today there are some families who are seen living together lovingly. In contrast to all this, a joint family in Devda, Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh, and only love in it, has become an example for the people.

All family members Live with love

In Devda no member of a joint family wants to leave the head of the family. This is the reason why single family houses have turned into slums due to the increase in the number of family members. Here different members of the same family live together in small rooms and love.

Total 75 people including head in the family live together

Significantly, there are 75 people including the head in this joint family. All these people live in their traditional farming fields. However, despite all this, all the family members stay together in the evening. This family of Bamania family is full of blessings of elders and enthusiasm of children.

Staying together on World Family Day Make a resolution

In this family, the 70-year-old mother acts as the head of the younger brother. Two of his nine daughters are already married. The family of the remaining six brothers lives as a large family. With the passage of time, rooms have become in one place, the arrangement is different, but share happiness and sorrow under one roof, give advice. On World Family Day, the family once again resolved to be together forever.

Out of the total 75 members of the family, 35 are daughters and 11 are sons.

Nablibai, the head of the family, says they can never be separated. He further said that out of the total 75 members of the family, 35 are daughters and 11 are sons. He said that the children of the family study according to their age. The head of the family is happy that every member of the family celebrates all the festivals together. Son Kailash Bamania said that all the brothers work in the field. The daughters-in-law of this family also take care of the household chores and help the husband. According to their 40 acres of land, this family is pooling all their resources. Family unity is exemplified by the fact that it is somewhat difficult to identify which sibling has the child.