Thursday , September 19 2024

Glowing Skin: Try this home remedy to bring glow on the face overnight, the effect will be visible immediately


Glowing Skin Tips: When there is a continuous change in the environment, its effect starts appearing on the face as well. In this case the skin becomes dry and lifeless. Expensive products are also used to remove dryness of the skin. But still not getting the desired result. Plus, these types of products are full of chemicals that can harm the skin. So come, today we will tell you how to make such a night cream at home which brings instant glow to the skin.


This cream has to be made using almonds. Almonds are very beneficial for the skin and they nourish the skin. In addition, it also repairs damaged skin. Pimples, wrinkles, black spots are removed by the use of almonds. Also, if you make night cream of almonds and apply it daily, then the beauty of your skin will be enhanced.


To make almond night cream, you will need two spoons of almond oil, two spoons of aloe vera gel, a little rose water, one spoon of cocoa butter and one spoon of honey. To make night cream, heat cocoa butter and almond oil in a pan on low heat. When both the ingredients dissolve completely, turn off the gas and add aloe vera gel, rose water and honey to it. Mix everything well and let it cool. Store the prepared almond night cream in an air tight container. Now apply this cream on the skin every night before sleeping.