Food for Boost Fertility: This superfood is very important for women and men, it enhances domestic life


Food to increase fertility: Food is directly related to health. Food has a special role in doing any work well. One study found that making certain dietary changes could improve fertility and reduce the risk of miscarriage. There are some superfoods that are very important to include in your diet. Their effect is also visible soon.

green vegetables
Green vegetables are not only good for your health, they also help in increasing fertility. Vegetables like spinach, broccoli reduce the risk of miscarriage in women. It helps in making sperm in men.

milk is very beneficial
The amount of calcium in milk is high. Fertility also increases by drinking milk daily. Milk is very important during pregnancy. If you do not like milk then you can eat milk based ice cream, curd or cheese instead.

egg miracle
If you want to improve your fertility, then definitely include eggs in your diet. Eating eggs also improves the reproductive system of women. You can eat boiled egg, omelet or egg mixed with rice. It will depend on your choice.


fried fish
You need to eat fatty fish during pregnancy. Omega 3 fatty acids are abundant in fish. It helps in regulating ovulation. It also improves the quality of eggs. Along with this, it helps in preventing the aging of ovaries.

brown rice
Brown rice is a good source of carbohydrates in the body. Eating brown rice improves female fertility. It contains a good amount of folic acid. This is very important even for small children.

are very useful
Banana curry, banana salad, banana pudding, and salty taste of banana also increase fertility. Vitamin B-6 is more in it. It also increases fertility in men.

Apart from this, almonds, black beans, citrus fruits and nuts should also be eaten. It also increases the sperm count. Pumpkin seeds help in increasing fertility in women. Pumpkin is also beneficial for men.