Friday , September 20 2024

Dengue mosquitoes can target you at this time during summer, so be careful


When does dengue mosquito bite? As soon as the summer season comes, the danger of dengue starts looming. Dengue fever is spread by the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with the dengue virus. According to one figure, about 400 million people worldwide are infected with dengue fever every year. Dengue symptoms usually appear four to six days after infection, lasting up to 10 days. Sometimes dengue affects the person severely. The number of platelets also starts decreasing and in severe cases the person may die. Its prevention is necessary.

Mosquitoes are active at this time

The mosquito that spreads dengue bites most in the afternoon. Especially 2 hours after sunrise and 1 hour before sunset. Mosquitoes are considered more dangerous at this time. If you protect yourself from these mosquitoes in these three hours of the day then you can avoid dengue. However, the dengue mosquito remains active and may bite at night. Especially in well lit places. The risk of dengue mosquito bites is high inside offices, malls, auditoriums, stadiums. Because artificial light is used all the time and the light is very bright.

how to save


To prevent dengue mosquitoes, full sleeve clothes and shoes should be worn on the feet. Do not leave the body open anywhere, this mosquito cannot fly far. Because of this, it bites only from the feet to the knees, so always keep the feet covered. Do not allow water to stagnate around or inside the house. Remove accumulated water in coolers, coaches, tyres. The best way to avoid mosquitoes would be to apply a mosquito net while sleeping at night.

These symptoms can be seen in dengue fever

Dengue begins with high fever, headache and abdominal pain. There is a lot of pain in the joints for the first three to four hours. Suddenly the body temperature rises up to 104 degrees and the blood pressure also drops below normal. The eyes turn red and the skin turns pink. Swollen lymph nodes near the neck.