Friday , September 20 2024

Why are hernias more common in men than in women?


The problem of hernia affects both men and women, but it is more common in men. This problem is rarely seen in women. Let’s see why this hernia is more common in men, what are its risks:

What is a hernia?
This hernia problem occurs when the muscles become weak. The problem of hernia can be corrected with surgery. But if you do not get treatment, life can be in danger.

While this hernia is most common in adults, it can happen to anyone at any age, from children to adults. In some it is due to genetic reasons, obesity, muscle weakness due to excessive stress on muscles, constipation, prolonged cough are also due to these reasons.

Why are hernias more common in men?
Due to the body shape of men, the problem of hernia is more in men. In men, a hole in the blood supply to the testicle becomes a hernia. It is found in the pelvic region in females. Hernia can be a problem in young children. If there is pain in the navel area of ​​small children, then it can be a problem of hernia.

What are the symptoms of hernia?
* Lump in groin (like swelling)
* Pain in that part
Pain on bending, coughing, lifting weights
*Extreme cramping in that part


symptoms of hernia in children
* Appears in the stomach when the child cries or coughs, defecates.
If there is a hernia, the child’s appetite will go away.
* Children are very irritable


What symptoms are dangerous
*fever, vomiting, fatigue
* severe pain
*reddening of the area
* Difficulty in passing gas.
If you see these symptoms, see a doctor immediately, don’t delay.

If there is a hernia, will it be curable?
No, surgery is necessary in case of hernia. For some, doctors say it’s okay to take it a little slow. A small hernia doesn’t require surgery, but the hernia doesn’t go that far.
Some people do not treat hernia because they are afraid of surgery, but doing so is life-threatening. There is nothing wrong with hernia surgery.

What can you do to get rid of a hernia temporarily?
ice pack
When there is more pain, applying ice pack reduces the pain.
If you heat alum with hot water, then the pain will reduce.
But this method provides temporary relief, surgery is necessary for permanent pain relief.