Thursday , September 19 2024

Grow your favorite vegetables and fruits like this in your backyard.


Fruits are a very important part of our healthy diet nowadays. Here and there we hear that innumerable chemicals are added to ripen the fruits. Because of that fear, half the people stopped eating the fruit.

Who wouldn’t love to see fruit growing right in front of your eyes at home? But your next question is what kind of fruits can be grown at home. Read this complete article to know the answer and how to develop it.

choose a tank

choose a tank

This is the container that supports your fruit plant from the beginning until it hangs fruit. So while choosing a tank for your fruits you must take into account the size and weight of the tank. Plants are usually grown in 8-inch pots. Meanwhile, taller plants use pots as wide as 36-37 inches.



It should be in the right proportion while preparing fertilizers for fruit varieties. Also there should be good ventilation and drainage system. The commonly used potting soil does not contain real soil, but is made to look like composted soil.

You can even make your own compost at the same time. Take peat moss or pine bark per cubic foot. Mix and shake the minerals in a conical flask.

drainage system

drainage system

Fruits grown in pots can be grown using a lot of water. Also, care should be taken to reach the root completely. At the same time, care must be taken to prevent water from seeping through the holes in the pots.

root care

root care

Any root growth that is grown in a tank is more likely to come out of the tank. Root balls become water tight when there is no room for the roots. It not only affects the growth of fruit plants but also greatly affects the production of fruits. Root pruning is used in such situations.

root pruning

root pruning

Also, you need to adjust the weight of the plant to the roots you’re cutting, so cut off the top third of the plant. After this the plant should be taken out from the palm. Cut no more than 2 or 3 inches with sharp scissors. Then put the plant back in the pot. Growing crops indoors is possible if done properly

when and where to put it

when and where to put it

Fruit plants should be kept outdoors in sunlight and indoors in winter. If you have to keep fruit plants outside during the winter, make sure they get sunlight.



Be patient when transplanting plants indoors and outdoors. Similarly, before bringing fruit plants inside, dust and dirt on the leaves should be taken inside the house. If necessary, spray the plant with insecticide before planting.

other management

other management

Fruit plants or fruit trees do not require much water indoors. Also do not let it dry. Keeping cool and dormant until spring requiring less sunlight.

the sunlight

the sunlight

But if you want to grow fruit indoors, sunlight is essential. The air inside the house is dry in summer. It causes loss of leaves from fruit plants.