Friday , September 20 2024

Even if you run the AC for the whole day at this temperature, the electricity bill will be very less.


AC Settings: The need for AC increases during summer. In most of the houses, the AC is on during the afternoon and night. As soon as the AC is turned on, the room and the house cool down within minutes, which gives relief from the heat. During summers, the heat is so intense that one feels like staying in AC all day long. But people avoid running AC because of increasing bill by running AC whole day. AC gives coolness in summer days but at the same time when the bill comes, it spoils the monthly budget. But if you also want to stay in the coolness of AC and also want to reduce the bill, then today we tell you about a setting. If you set your AC like this, your electricity bill will come down even after running the AC for the whole day.


Generally, when people run AC, they set the temperature to the minimum so that the room cools down quickly. But doing so also increases the electricity bill because if you set the AC to a lower temperature, the AC will use more electricity to cool down faster. If you do not want to do this then one thing has to be done first. If you turn on your AC by setting it to this temperature, the electricity bill will come down.

If you are not in a hurry and want the room to cool down gradually, set the AC between 24 to 28 degrees. If you set the AC above this temperature and keep the AC running then the electricity bill will come down. By doing this, it will take about ten minutes to cool down the room but the power consumption will be less than before. That is, even if you run AC for more hours than this temperature, the power consumption will be less and the bill will also come down.