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7th Pay Commission: Soon increase in DA.. Do you know how much salary will increase?


7th Pay Commission: The central government is soon going to give good news to the central employees. The government is soon planning to increase the basic pay of the employees. In 2016 the government implemented 7 CPC..then the government drastically changed the minimum wage and increased it once. According to the recent media reports, the central government is preparing to increase the fitness factor of the employees. If the government increases this fitment factor, it is likely that the basic pay will also increase.

How much salary can increase:
When the Seventh Pay Commission came into force, the minimum wage of the employees was Rs 6,000, after that the government increased the minimum wage to Rs 100. has been increased to 18,000. The fitment factor has been fixed at 2.57 times the basic pay. The minimum wage of the employees will be increased to Rs 26,000 by increasing the fitment factor three times.

Will basic pay increase?:
Under the Seventh Pay Commission, the Center has decided to increase the fitment factor by 2.57 times. So according to the experts of the Seventh Pay Commission, the salary will also increase in this order. Because allowances like Dearness Allowance, Traveling Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Basic Salary are calculated with fitment factor..these are also part of salary so salary also increases. So the basic salary is Rs. 18,000 if the fitment factor is also calculated…the salary is Rs. 42,000 would be more. Apart from this, allowances are also included in this. If the fitment factor is tripled, the base pay will increase further.

DA expected to increase by 4 percent
There are also reports that the government will soon increase the dearness allowance. But experts say that this process will happen in July next year. The government can increase the DA of the employees by 4 percent. These curds are determined on the basis of AICPI calculation.