One of the heaviest burdens in global public health, obesity compromises physical welfare, as well as mental health. Though, there are no problems with diets, rigorous exercises, and magic pills, few strategies target obesity’s core and its psychological connotations as efficiently as yoga. Yoga with its physical movements, properly coordinated breathing, and self-awareness can be described as encompassing a comprehensive anti-obesity program and stress management.
If you are seeking natural treatment of obesity besides building emotional endurance, these yoga asanas will change your course. Not only they aid in burning calories but they also assist in lowering stress, leveling hormones and improve the mind to body connection.
Yoga is the Solution to Overcome Obesity
Unlike limiting diets, or extreme training regimens yoga deals with years of habits and a lifetime’s worth of benefits at that. It contributes on several considerations -- metabolism, digestion, physical activity, and stress – the last of which is a leading contributor to emotional eating.
In addition, equips the minds with awareness on what they consume and lifestyle habits they undertake. Yoga focuses on both the physical and the emotional side of the problem of obesity, which will make the result more effective and longer lasting. The straggling strength of yoga that it can be practised by anyone, which does not matter if one is fit or unfit or has little or no prior experience of practicing yoga.
Suggested Yoga Postures Necessary for the Treatment of Obesity and Building up Emotional stamina
These asanas are carved out with the intent to help get rid of excessive lipids, sculpt the physiques, and stabilize the minds. Therefore, they need to be worked into the program as early and as effectively as possible to reap the benefits of progressive change.
1. Surya Namaskar is basically a set of twelve yoga postures, which are performed traditionally to pay homage to the Sun God.
Why It Works:
YM is a comprehensive sequence comprising of 12 different yoga postures which are assumed and abandoned dynamically which gives this particular asana a complete body exercise regime aspect. It enhances metabolic process in the body, increases flexibility and helps in burning of calories.
How It Helps with Obesity:
This sequence helps the digestive system and boosts blood circulation to help lose weight and reduce flab. With practice uplifts the abdomen, arms, and thighs muscles to gain a toned look.
Emotional Benefits:
When synchronised with right breathing technique, Surya Namaskar certainly help to lessen stress factor that prevail in this high paced world.
2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Why It Works:
This asana builds and tones the spine, and offers a deep stretch on the chest and abdomen.
How It Helps with Obesity:
As you flex its spine towards the thighs, the Bhujangasana exercises directly on one’s belly, or abdominal wall, thereby aiding the burning of fat deposits in this area.
Emotional Benefits:
This pose helps relieve emotional ailments of the heart chakra and put the person in good spirits. But it also eradicates anxiety and fatigue It also fidgets anxiety and fatigue.
3. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
Why It Works:
Bellow is the description of one of the asana types: Trikonasana is a standing exercise that works on the side of the body, strengthens the Thigh and boosts one’s balance.
How It Helps with Obesity:
Thus, as stated they exercise the oblique muscles that helps in digestion thus reducing abdominal fat. It also has an effective impact on building up more leg and back muscles hence an overall fitness.
Emotional Benefits:
Trikonasana enhances control and brings with it the ability to feel emotionally in the middle of a storm.
4. Kapalabhati Pranayama is also known as Kapalaka or Skull-Shining Breath.
Why It Works:
The Kapalabhati practice is forceful exhale and passive inhale that help clean the internal system of the body.
How It Helps with Obesity:
Its practice is the same: it calms and steadies the body, strengthens the abdominal muscles, raises metabolic processes to lose weight. It also assists in digestion and bodies detoxification process.
Emotional Benefits:
Kapalabhati helps in reducing mental clouding, increases energy and supplies power to emotional capacities by developing awareness.
5. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
Why It Works:
Dhanurasana is helpful in strengthening the back muscles and that part of tummy and can fully correct posture of the back.
How It Helps with Obesity:
The pose relieves the abdominal area tightening the muscles, reducing fat and stimulating the functions of the digestive organs. They show a particularly strong effect in the least amount of belly fat and speed up metabolism.
Emotional Benefits:
Dhanurasana can certainly remove the accumulated tension and brings faith into one’s body strength and flexibility.
6. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
Why It Works:
A warrior pose that must be held which makes it great for the lower body because the longer you hold it, the more toned your muscles become.
How It Helps with Obesity:
This pose target the thigh, hip and abdominal muscles and therefore is very effective in helping shed that extra weight by increasing the metabolic rate.
Emotional Benefits:
As a result of this posture Virabhadrasana liberates the practitioner thereby representing power. This nurtures perseverance and determination in a man, or the immune system in a woman.
7. Paschimottanasana or the Seated Forward Bend
Why It Works:
This position is a nice warm-up and relaxation for the upper body and helps reduces stiffness in the spine, hamstrings, and lower back.
How It Helps with Obesity:
Paschimottanasana pressures the abdominal organs helping with digestion and belly fat issues too. It also seeks to improve flexibility standards of the body and strengthens the entire body muscles.
Emotional Benefits:
The pose helps in toning down stressful feelings and enabling one to have a peaceful brain.
Mindfulness in Yoga for Obesity: A Theoretical Analysis
Yoga has some potential special elements among which we can focus on the aspect of awareness. Obesity causes many people to have emotional eating due to different factors such as stress, anxiety or even boredom. Yoga helps you learn about your signs that you receive from your body, thus knowing the difference between a physical hunger or even a comfort eating.
Another good thing about mindfulness is that it improves on the way people relate to food. While practicing yoga you don’t just mindlessly consume the foods you are eating: you learn how to really taste them, which leads to better portion control and digestion, respectively.
Yoga Asana Tips of Losing Weight and Strengthening Emotion
Consistency is Key: Oversight, practice yoga every day at least 20 minutes.
Combine with a Healthy Diet: Combine yoga with healthy nutritious foods in moderation, whole grain products, fruits, vegetables and lean protein.
Focus on Your Breath: Pranayama improves the impact of each posture and also reduces tension.
Set Realistic Goals: Progress takes time. Name it and claim it: it’s important to celebrate the mini-succes along the way.
Create a Routine: When practicing yoga try to do so at a certain time of the day in order to develop a routine.