
Pakistan Rat Parliament 17242283

Rats In Pakistan Parliament: Pakistan, which threatens nuclear bombs on every small issue, is scared of rats. Rats are abundant in the Parliament of Pakistan. The situation is such that the rats are eating up important files. Cats will be employed in the Pakistani Parliament to deal with the rats. According to a Geo News report, Pakistan’s Capital Development Authority (CDA) has decided to keep cats to protect government files. The special thing is that a budget of 12 lakh Pakistani rupees has also been set for this.  

Increased risk of dirt and disease 

Rats and cats in Pakistan’s Parliament, this news may sound strange, but the MPs and employees here have become so troubled by this problem that they are unable to think of anything. The number of rats in the Parliament building is increasing rapidly. This problem of rats is not new, but it has become even more serious in recent times. Rats are not only gnawing documents but are also damaging the wires of computers. Apart from this, the risk of dirt and diseases in the Parliament has also increased due to rats.

All measures failed

Parliament officials have tried several measures, such as setting rat traps and using chemicals to drive them away. But these measures are not having any significant effect. After this, the officials have now thought of keeping cats in the Parliament to get rid of the rats.

Pakistan Parliament

Buying cats

It has been decided that cats will be bought to catch rats in the Parliament. It is believed that cats will prove helpful in killing and driving away rats. Although some people are raising questions about this decision, most people are considering it an effective and practical solution.

What do MPs say?

MPs say that the work of Parliament should run smoothly without any interruption and the problem of rats has become a big hindrance in this. The intention behind taking such a step is that cleanliness is maintained in the Parliament building and there is no hindrance in the work.

It will be interesting to see this

Well, one thing is true this matter has caught the attention of people not only in Pakistan but all over the world. Troubled by rats, the Parliament of Pakistan is now trying to solve the problem through cats. It will be interesting to see how successful this solution is and whether rats are eradicated.

Donkeys are famous too!

This was about cats and mice but you should also know that the donkeys of Pakistan are also quite famous. The Pakistani government has also made a plan to earn profit through donkeys. The maximum number of donkeys in the world are found in Pakistan. The Pakistani government exports donkeys to China. Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb claimed that due to this the income of 80 lakh donkey breeders in Pakistan has increased by 40 percent and the Pakistan government has also received foreign currency.