
Women keep their facial hair pattern distinct from men as they do not develop facial beards but some experience abnormal facial hair growth. This problem is called hirsutism. Unwanted hair growth affects women who experience this condition by forming dark hair in their face and their chest and arms and back areas thus damaging their appearance. Information about these unwanted body hairs in women along with possible solutions to manage this condition needs explanation.

Causes of unwanted hair growth

PCOS makes women prone to increased androgen hormone levels which exceed normal ranges. The main reason for hirsutism develops from this condition. The rapid growth of unwanted hair in PCOS stems from the fast surge of androgens in the body. The regular menstrual cycle of PCOS patients becomes abnormal and weight loss becomes challenging for these women.
Adrenal glands which lie above the kidneys serve to produce hormones from their location just above the kidneys within the body. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia leads women to develop a hormone enzyme deficiency which leads to extensive facial hair growth on their cheeks.
When the body creates an excess amount of cortisol hormone it results in Cushing's syndrome which affects the hair skin cells along with other bodily functions. The symptoms of this condition activate when patients experience both quick weight increase and high blood pressure and diabetes.
Multiple hormonal adjustments within the female body during pregnancy and menopause result in increased facial hair growth.

How to remove unwanted hair?

The initial step to removing face hair starts with life quality improvement. Improve your diet. Your improved nutrition leads to weight reduction in the body. Your hormones will achieve balance after this resulting in the cessation of unwanted hair growth. The reduction of facial hair is achievable with laser therapy along with other methods. Home remedies serve as additional ways to treat unwanted facial hair growth.